Amazing Guitar Secrets Review

Amazing Guitar Secrets Lessons

Amazing Guitar Secrets

  • Rating:
  • Published By: Amazing Guitar Secrets, Dan Denley
  • Website:
  • Pricing: $199 $97
  • For Skill Levels: Beginner-Intermediate
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Important Update: The Speed Learning Guitar System is no being produced by the publisher.

Amazing Guitar Secrets is a no-frills DVD Guitar course created for beginner guitarists. We'll go on the record right now and say the course isn't really about any guitar "secrets" at all but includes solid teaching that's geared for the guitar newbie that wants to get up and running on the guitar as quickly as possible for a reasonable price.

Dan Denley, the author of Amazing Guitar Secrets has a degree in music, has been personally involved in a number of musical bands, and is of course, a guitar instructor. Dan Denley is a likable teacher, and has created several other guitar courses that are more specialized such as his Lead Guitar Secrets, Blues, Guitar Secrets, and Acoustic Guitar Secrets courses.


Below are some actual screenshots from the Amazing Guitar Secrets guitar course.


The Amazing Guitar Secrets course comes well-packaged in a good-sized box. We rated the overall production quality of Amazing Guitar Secrets a 6½ out of 10. The DVD videos are clear and well produced, but have several shortcomings. A split view of the right and left hand is an essential part of a guitar training video, but is strangely absent in this course. A minor nitpick we had is the DVD packaging and DVD menus were for some reason overlooked and honestly look like they were drawn up by someone who was just cutting his teeth on Windows Paint. (Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but still...)

The CD-ROM that's included with the course contains audio examples of most of the material in the books, and the jam tracks, (if you decide to get the upgraded version) The jam tracks are great, though they don't have any other instrumental accompaniment besides the guitar. You can't play along solo either if you wanted to either which is too bad.

Some of the topics covered: Amazing Guitar Secrets starts of by teaching beginner's stuff like the parts of the guitar, stringing, tuning, playing and reading tabs, and then quickly progresses to more advanced sessions that teach intervals, major and minor scales, chord building, modes, bends, vibrato, hammer on/offs, tapping, tremolo picking, sliding palm muting, trills, and barre chords.

The 400+ page coiled workbook (not pictured above) includes all the textual learning material. It contains a Progress Tracker that we recommend you use, the main Amazing Guitar Secrets Guide Book, and mini-books including, 20 Strength and Agility Exercises, Guitar Theory Made Easy, Quick and Easy Way to Play Rhythms, Mastering the Major and Minor Scales, and more...

In our opinion, the pace of Amazing Guitar Secrets is a wee bit too fast. Therefore those who are already a somewhat familiar with the guitar and music theory in general may benefit more from the course than a completely new guitarist.


Customers have access to Amazing Guitar Secrets via email, phone and a decent sized members only forum.

Ease of Use

Since the included workbook binder has multiple mini-books inside, it can be difficult to find a particular spot. In the CD-ROM however, they included a .pdf copy of each book which is nice as you can take it with you wherever you go.

The Amazing Guitar Secrets DVDs are not region encoded. They will play on any standard DVD player. You will obviously need a DVD player with speakers or headphones. Alternatively you can use a PC or Mac equipped with a DVD drive.


Amazing Guitar Secrets comes with the assurance of a 90-day 100% money-back guarantee if for any reason you are unhappy with the course. Returning the course is required to receive your refund.


When ordering Amazing Guitar Secrets, you have two package options. When on sale, the "Standard" package goes for $97 and the "Gold Edition" package goes for $127. The only difference is that the cheaper package doesn't come with one of the book sections or the 41 audio tracks. Note that the costs shown above don't include shipping.

You can easily place an order using a credit card, e-check or paypal.


If you get Amazing Guitar Secrets on sale, you can save a few bucks over the popular DVD course Learn and Master Guitar course. With the cheaper price though, you lose over half the amount of lessons and production quality that Learn and Master Guitar does so well.

In the end when comparing these two DVD guitar courses, we have to give Learn and Master and Guitar the nod over Amazing Guitar Secrets as there's significantly more high quality lessons which are presented in a much clearer and structured manner. Notwithstanding, Amazing Guitar Secrets is a decent DVD guitar course for guitar students who have the ability and the inclination to take on a steep learning curves.

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Review Summary

Though priced a little under other competing DVD guitar courses, Dan Denley's Amazing Guitar Secrets is just not terribly friendly to new guitarists as is Learn and Master Guitar's program.

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